Language Grammar
- parser grammar SolidityParser
Solidity is a statically typed, contract-oriented, high-level language for implementing smart contracts on the Ethereum platform.
- rule source-unit
On top level, Solidity allows pragmas, import directives, and definitions of contracts, interfaces, libraries, structs, enums and constants.
- rule import-directive
Import directives import identifiers from different files.
- rule path
Path of a file to be imported.
- rule symbol-aliases
List of aliases for symbols to be imported.
- rule contract-definition
Top-level definition of a contract.
- rule interface-definition
Top-level definition of an interface.
- rule library-definition
Top-level definition of a library.
- rule inheritance-specifier
Inheritance specifier for contracts and interfaces. Can optionally supply base constructor arguments.
- rule contract-body-element
Declarations that can be used in contracts, interfaces and libraries.
Note that interfaces and libraries may not contain constructors, interfaces may not contain state variables and libraries may not contain fallback, receive functions nor non-constant state variables.
- rule call-argument-list
Arguments when calling a function or a similar callable object. The arguments are either given as comma separated list or as map of named arguments.
- rule identifier-path
Qualified name.
- rule modifier-invocation
Call to a modifier. If the modifier takes no arguments, the argument list can be skipped entirely (including opening and closing parentheses).
- rule visibility
Visibility for functions and function types.
- rule parameter-list
A list of parameters, such as function arguments or return values.
- rule constructor-definition
Definition of a constructor. Must always supply an implementation. Note that specifying internal or public visibility is deprecated.
- rule state-mutability
State mutability for function types. The default mutability “non-payable” is assumed if no mutability is specified.
- rule override-specifier
An override specifier used for functions, modifiers or state variables. In cases where there are ambiguous declarations in several base contracts being overridden, a complete list of base contracts has to be given.
- rule function-definition
The definition of contract, library and interface functions. Depending on the context in which the function is defined, further restrictions may apply, e.g. functions in interfaces have to be unimplemented, i.e. may not contain a body block.
- rule modifier-definition
The definition of a modifier. Note that within the body block of a modifier, the underscore cannot be used as identifier, but is used as placeholder statement for the body of a function to which the modifier is applied.
- rule fallback-function-definition
Definition of the special fallback function.
- rule receive-function-definition
Definition of the special receive function.
- rule struct-definition
Definition of a struct. Can occur at top-level within a source unit or within a contract, library or interface.
- rule struct-member
The declaration of a named struct member.
- rule enum-definition
Definition of an enum. Can occur at top-level within a source unit or within a contract, library or interface.
- rule user-defined-value-type-definition
Definition of a user defined value type. Can occur at top-level within a source unit or within a contract, library or interface.
- rule state-variable-declaration
The declaration of a state variable.
- rule constant-variable-declaration
The declaration of a constant variable.
- rule event-parameter
Parameter of an event.
- rule event-definition
Definition of an event. Can occur in contracts, libraries or interfaces.
- rule error-parameter
Parameter of an error.
- rule error-definition
Definition of an error.
- rule using-directive
Using directive to bind library functions to types. Can occur within contracts and libraries.
- rule type-name
A type name can be an elementary type, a function type, a mapping type, a user-defined type (e.g. a contract or struct) or an array type.
- rule elementary-type-name
- rule function-type-name
- rule variable-declaration
The declaration of a single variable.
- rule data-location
- rule expression
Complex expression. Can be an index access, an index range access, a member access, a function call (with optional function call options), a type conversion, an unary or binary expression, a comparison or assignment, a ternary expression, a new-expression (i.e. a contract creation or the allocation of a dynamic memory array), a tuple, an inline array or a primary expression (i.e. an identifier, literal or type name).
- rule tuple-expression
- rule inline-array-expression
An inline array expression denotes a statically sized array of the common type of the contained expressions.
- rule identifier
Besides regular non-keyword Identifiers, some keywords like “from” and “error” can also be used as identifiers.
- rule literal
- rule boolean-literal
- rule string-literal
A full string literal consists of either one or several consecutive quoted strings.
- rule hex-string-literal
A full hex string literal that consists of either one or several consecutive hex strings.
- rule unicode-string-literal
A full unicode string literal that consists of either one or several consecutive unicode strings.
- rule number-literal
Number literals can be decimal or hexadecimal numbers with an optional unit.
- rule block
A curly-braced block of statements. Opens its own scope.
- rule unchecked-block
- rule statement
- rule if-statement
If statement with optional else part.
- rule for-statement
For statement with optional init, condition and post-loop part.
- rule while-statement
- rule do-while-statement
- rule continue-statement
A continue statement. Only allowed inside for, while or do-while loops.
- rule break-statement
A break statement. Only allowed inside for, while or do-while loops.
- rule try-statement
A try statement. The contained expression needs to be an external function call or a contract creation.
- rule catch-clause
The catch clause of a try statement.
- rule return-statement
- rule emit-statement
An emit statement. The contained expression needs to refer to an event.
- rule revert-statement
A revert statement. The contained expression needs to refer to an error.
- rule assembly-statement
An inline assembly block. The contents of an inline assembly block use a separate scanner/lexer, i.e. the set of keywords and allowed identifiers is different inside an inline assembly block.
- rule variable-declaration-tuple
A tuple of variable names to be used in variable declarations. May contain empty fields.
- rule variable-declaration-statement
A variable declaration statement. A single variable may be declared without initial value, whereas a tuple of variables can only be declared with initial value.
- rule expression-statement
- rule mapping-type
- rule mapping-key-type
Only elementary types or user defined types are viable as mapping keys.
- rule yul-statement
A Yul statement within an inline assembly block. continue and break statements are only valid within for loops. leave statements are only valid within function bodies.
- rule yul-block
- rule yul-variable-declaration
The declaration of one or more Yul variables with optional initial value. If multiple variables are declared, only a function call is a valid initial value.
- rule yul-assignment
Any expression can be assigned to a single Yul variable, whereas multi-assignments require a function call on the right-hand side.
- rule yul-if-statement
- rule yul-for-statement
- rule yul-switch-statement
A Yul switch statement can consist of only a default-case (deprecated) or one or more non-default cases optionally followed by a default-case.
- rule yul-function-definition
- rule yul-path
While only identifiers without dots can be declared within inline assembly, paths containing dots can refer to declarations outside the inline assembly block.
- rule yul-function-call
A call to a function with return values can only occur as right-hand side of an assignment or a variable declaration.
- rule yul-boolean
- rule yul-literal
- rule yul-expression
- lexer grammar SolidityLexer
- rule fixed-bytes
Bytes types of fixed length.
- rule number-unit
Unit denomination for numbers.
- rule signed-integer-type
Sized signed integer types. int is an alias of int256.
- rule unsigned-integer-type
Sized unsigned integer types. uint is an alias of uint256.
- rule non-empty-string-literal
A non-empty quoted string literal restricted to printable characters.
- rule empty-string-literal
An empty string literal
- rule single-quoted-printable
Any printable character except single quote or back slash.
- rule double-quoted-printable
Any printable character except double quote or back slash.
- rule escape-sequence
Escape sequence. Apart from common single character escape sequences, line breaks can be escaped as well as four hex digit unicode escapes \uXXXX and two digit hex escape sequences \xXX are allowed.
- rule unicode-string-literal
A single quoted string literal allowing arbitrary unicode characters.
- rule hex-string
Hex strings need to consist of an even number of hex digits that may be grouped using underscores.
- rule hex-number
Hex numbers consist of a prefix and an arbitrary number of hex digits that may be delimited by underscores.
- rule decimal-number
A decimal number literal consists of decimal digits that may be delimited by underscores and an optional positive or negative exponent. If the digits contain a decimal point, the literal has fixed point type.
- rule identifier
An identifier in solidity has to start with a letter, a dollar-sign or an underscore and may additionally contain numbers after the first symbol.
- rule yul-evm-builtin
Builtin functions in the EVM Yul dialect.
- rule yul-identifier
Yul identifiers consist of letters, dollar signs, underscores and numbers, but may not start with a number. In inline assembly there cannot be dots in user-defined identifiers. Instead see yulPath for expressions consisting of identifiers with dots.
- rule yul-hex-number
Hex literals in Yul consist of a prefix and one or more hexadecimal digits.
- rule yul-decimal-number
Decimal literals in Yul may be zero or any sequence of decimal digits without leading zeroes.
- rule yul-string-literal
String literals in Yul consist of one or more double-quoted or single-quoted strings that may contain escape sequences and printable characters except unescaped line breaks or unescaped double-quotes or single-quotes, respectively.
- rule pragma-token
Pragma token. Can contain any kind of symbol except a semicolon. Note that currently the solidity parser only allows a subset of this.